Pension Fund FAQs

Q. How does my working time count?

The number of hours you work in covered employment counts in several important ways.  First, it counts towards getting into the Plan.  It’s also used to determine when you are eligible for a pension and how much it will be

Q. How do I become vested?

You can become vested in three different ways:

  1.  By earning 5 or more years of Vesting Service after 7/1/97.
  2.  By earning 10 or more years of Vesting Service prior to 7/1/97.
  3.  By earning 15 or more Pension Credits.

Q. How do I earn 1 year of Vesting Service?

By working 1000 or more hours in Covered Employment in a calendar year.

Q. How do I earn Pension Credit?

You will earn one pension credit for each calendar year in which you work at least 1,000 hours in covered employment.  If you work less than 1,000 hours but more than 249 hours you will earn partial credits equal to the number of hours you work divided by 1,000 hours with a maximum of one pension credit.

Q. When are pension checks mailed?

Pension checks are mailed one business day before the first of the month.

Q. Can I have my pension check electronically deposited?

Yes, any time after your pension has begun you may contact the Pension Department to request an Electronic Deposit of Pension Benefit Form. You may also download this form from the Benefit Forms location of this website.

Q. How do I change my Pension withholding amounts for Federal and NJ State Tax?

You can contact the Funds Office to request withholding form(s) W-4P for Federal Tax and NJ State Tax or simply write your newly requested withholding amount(s) on a piece of paper along with your Social Security Number and signature and mail it to the Funds Office.  You may also download these forms from the Benefit Forms location of this website.

Q. What happens if my monthly pension check gets lost?

You may request a stop payment on your monthly pension check.  Please mail to the Fund Office a written request to stop payment on your monthly pension check and include your Social Security Number and signature.  Please note that a stop payment request can only be made 10 business days after the check has been issued.

Q. Can I have my monthly pension check mailed to a different address during the year?

Yes, many pensioners reside at more that one location during the year.  If you would like to have your monthly pension check mailed to this alternate address, please send a written request to the Fund Office.  Please include you Social Security Number, when the alternate address becomes effective and your signature.

Q. How can I name or change a beneficiary to my Pension?

Contact the Fund Office to request a Pension Fund Beneficiary form or you may download this form from the Benefit Forms location of this website.